Brazilians get an A for effort in healthy eating - but the UK lags behind

Brazilian consumers are much better than the British at eating healthily. When we reviewed data from our latest five-country consumer survey, it soon became clear that Brazilians are far more “health active” than the British.

This is illustrated not only by British consumers’ apparent lack of interest in making any changes at all to their diet (31% of British consumers claimed to do “nothing” compared to 10% of Brazilians), but also by significant differences when it comes to key healthy eating behaviours such as reducing sugar intake and avoiding ultra-processed foods (UPFs).

In Brazil, 50% of consumers claim to avoid sugar – compared to only 29% in the UK. Meanwhile, 36% of Brazilians are reducing their intake of UPFs, while only 23% of British consumers do so.

The difference is even more shocking when looking at interest in nutrient density. While 37% of Brazilians express an interest in this, only 7% of British consumers do so.

However, the two nationalities can bond over their love for saturated fats like coconut oil, olive oil and nuts.

For more insights, watch our latest video:

To access the full consumer survey, follow this link:

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