Nutrition for older consumers will be the biggest growth market for the next 20 years. Many companies have tried to crack the seniors market, with some success. Now, changing demographics mean there are many more opportunities. Consumers aged 60+ are becoming a more significant part of the population in every advanced economy in a way that’s unprecedented in human history.
Companies can’t use the same strategies for this growing group as they use for younger consumers. Older consumers have characteristics which are quite different from younger consumers and there are some very specific steps you need to follow to successfully target the older consumer.
We map these out in our new report, drawing on our 25 years of hands-on experience helping companies to succeed in the healthy food & beverage market. This experience and our very practical “how-to” focus makes this report uniquely valuable.
The report sets out, using clear graphics, charts and tables:
- The five steps to creating and executing a successful seniors strategy.
- The seven benefit platforms of most relevance to the older consumer, the risks and essentials of each one, and the categories in which there are growth opportunities.
- Six case studies of brands targeting senior needs, from movement to cognition, what strategies they have adopted and the lessons learned from each one.