Our Reports
Published: November 2016

10 Key Trends in Food, Nutrition & Health 2017

The New Nutrition Business 10 Key Trends report is the only trend analysis dedicated to the business of food and health - and the only one that will help you spot the difference between an enduring trend and a fad. A small but growing number of consumers are taking personalisation to the next level, such as a genetic profile, or metabolism and disease risk via DNA tests. The power of this trend is reflected in the decision by food giant Campbell's to invest $32 million in Habit, a startup delivering personalised nutrition in an accessible way.

Price (PDF or PPT): US$650 £450 €525 NZ$890 AU$825 ¥69000

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Published: November 2015

10 Key Trends in Food, Nutrition & Health 2016

The New Nutrition Business 10 Key Trends is the only trend analysis dedicated to the business of food and health and the only one that will help you spot the difference between an enduring trend and a fad. The 10 Key Trends present a mass of innovation and renovation opportunities for both big brands and entrepreneurial brands. For ingredient companies they help to make you as knowledgeable as your customers are.

Price (PDF or PPT): US$530 £320 €400 NZ$630 AU$570 ¥550000

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Published: September 2015

Next Big Opportunity in Snacking

Seaweed is a rare example of an opportunity "to get in at Day One of a new growth market" for snacks. Launches of seaweed snack products are proliferating in North America and Europe. In the US, sales of seaweed snacks already outstrip those of kale. Seaweed is a naturally-healthy plant-based ingredient, with a range of natural nutritional advantages and impeccable "sustainability" credentials. These features are gaining it growing media coverage

Price (PDF): US$530 £320 €400 NZ$630 AU$570 ¥550000

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Published: April 2015

Redefining Healthy Snacking

Innovation in healthy snacking is at the dawn of a new era of opportunity. Consumers will consider anything as a snack, which is why snacking is now a part of every company's strategy. And they are willing to be very experimental with flavours, ingredients, product formats and textures. New types of snack are growing fast, while also charging super-premium prices. Entrepreneurial start-ups are reinventing tired categories, from meat snacks to cakes.

Price (PDF): US$530 £320 €400 NZ$630 AU$570 ¥550000

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Published: December 2014

10 Key Trends in Food, Nutrition & Health 2015

The New Nutrition Business 10 Key Trends is the only trend analysis dedicated to the business of food and health and the only one that will help you spot the difference between an enduring trend and a fad. The 10 Key Trends present a mass of innovation and renovation opportunities for both big brands and entrepreneurial brands.

Price (PDF or PPT): US$530 £320 €400 NZ$630 AU$570 ¥550000

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Published: November 2014

The Snackification of Breakfast

Breakfast has become one of the most fought-over battlegrounds in food and health, a battle fuelled by consumers' need for easy and quick meals in the morning, and by two massively successful disruptive innovations, Belvita's breakfast biscuit and Up & Go's liquid breakfast. This 65-page report shows how, around the world from Asia to America, breakfast is being 'snackified'. This means a wealth of new opportunities for companies in every food category.

Price (PDF or PPT): US$530 £320 €400 NZ$630 AU$570 ¥550000

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Published: October 2014

Key trends in the business of dairy nutrition

The dairy industry has always been at the cutting edge of innovation in nutrition and health. Dairy, more than any other category, is perfectly positioned to profit from the most important consumer trends.

Price (PPT): US$530 £320 €400 NZ$630 AU$570 ¥550000

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Published: June 2014

Failures in Functional Foods and Beverages

"I like to study failure." So said the world's third richest man, Warren Buffet, speaking at a Coca-Cola shareholder's conference. It is true that examining the most common mistakes that companies make enables you to avoid them. The smartest people know that studying the failures of others teaches us how to succeed. This is the 3rd edition of our massively popular and unique Failures report. A fully-updated analysis, featuring 10 completely new case studies, it incorporates the latest thinking about what causes failure and what cultivates success.

Price (PDF or PPT): US$530 £320 €400 NZ$630 AU$570 ¥550000

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Published: December 2013

12 Key Trends in Food, Nutrition & Health 2014

The dairy industry has always been at the cutting edge of innovation in nutrition and health. Dairy, more than any other category, is perfectly positioned to profit from the most important consumer trends.

Price (PDF or PPT): US$530 £320 €400 NZ$630 AU$570 ¥550000

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Published: December 2012

10 Key Trends in Food, Nutrition & Health 2013

Published every year since 1996, our 10 Key Trends is the only trends analysis that enables you to answer these questions with confidence. That's because our methodology, shown in the report in our unique Trend Diamond, ensures that all the angles of a trend are weighed up – from science through to consumer needs.

Price (PDF or PPT): US$530 £320 €400 NZ$630 AU$570 ¥550000

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